Connecticut Baptist Homes, Inc. is a great place to volunteer! We welcome you to join other community members, family members and teens who make a difference every day. Whether you can volunteer for a few hours a month or a few minutes every day, we have an opportunity for you to work in an area that brings you great personal satisfaction.
- Visit one-on-one with residents;
- Accompany residents on field trips and community outings;
- Lead or co-lead a variety of recreational activities such as discussion groups or intergenerational art projects;
- Provide clerical support to administrative staff;
- Help with special events (i.e., entertainment, parties, etc.); or
- Assist with the Pet therapy program
- Help the Auxiliary by making or donating crafts to sell at the Afair, our holiday bazaar;
Volunteers are an essential part of our community.
Currently our many volunteers (ranging in age from 14 to 95) offer their friendship and talents to promote the physical and spiritual health and well-being of our residents and program participants in countless ways. Volunteering is a great way to make new friends, help other people, develop new skills and be part of a vital, caring community with a reputation for excellence. Your time is an invaluable gift to residents of CBH!
Prevention Magazine, January 2009
"Studies show that people who volunteer 1 to 2 hours a week are healthier, live longer, and are more satisfied with their lives compared with nonvolunteers."
Adults and teens are welcome to apply. For more information, please contact our Director of Therapeutic Recreation at (203) 237-1206.
Volunteering at the Connecticut Baptist Home in Meriden is a great way to experience healthcare while helping others lead a happier life. The Volunteen Program is for ages 14 - 18 and the Volunteer Program is for ages 18 and above.
Volunteens work in more than 4 different departments at Connecticut Baptist Home such as Therapeutic Recreation, Dietary, Rehabilitation and our Business Office. Volunteens can choose their area time and day of service. We can also customize your volunteer hours to fit your schedule.
Junior Volunteens
The Junior Volunteen program is an exciting opportunity for 14 to 18 year olds. Most Volunteens work 1-2 days per week days a week for four hours (from: 8 - 11:30 AM or 12:30 - 4 PM) during the summer months. Once a Junior Volunteen has been oriented and volunteers for a summer, they are invited to come back during the school year. High school students interested in healthcare may volunteer during summer vacation and holiday breaks.
Students 14 years and older may apply for the Junior Volunteen program in the Spring of each year. Space is limited and admission to the program is on a first come, first served basis. Applications are available in the main lobby or you can call and request to have one mailed to you. A completed application, two letters of recommendation and a successful interview with our staff is required before acceptance into the program and you are scheduled for the Orientation.
Junior Volunteens are needed to assist all departments both in areas of patient, and non-patient contact. Along with helping staff, they learn valuable lessons and gain experience in the culture and business of healthcare.
After we receive your application we will process it and contact you to interview for your volunteer service at Connecticut Baptist Home, Inc.
For further information please feel free to contact our Director of Therapeutic Recreation at (203) 237-1206.